Female Only Transport

Eureka Taxis :: Services :: Female Only Transport

Eureka Taxis Ballarat offer a Women only transport service.

All our Drivers have regular Police Checks and must carry a current Working With Children’s Check, ensures our drivers are screened thoroughly which provides our customers feel a little relief; also knowing they feel safer with our Drivers.

Eureka Taxis Ballarat is unique which we have Drivers with experience in Counselling / Mental Health qualifications, this provides a next level of support for our customers. Our Drivers are trained in dealing with vulnerable people.

We work closely with WRISC, CASA and our local police to ensure our vulnerable passengers within the community are treated with dignity and respect.

According to Research by the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine shows most victims – the majority of them ”cognitively impaired”-have been picked up in the early hours of Saturday and Sunday mornings.

In 25 cases over a three-year period, the institute found 21 victims who were affected by alcohol or drugs and another two were intellectually disabled. The condition of the remaining two was not recorded. All were aged 17 to 39.

Listening to our female passengers, stating they prefer female drivers’, Women stating they feel much safer and relief knowing they / their children are safe getting into a car with a Female Driver. especially late at night and / or transporting their children to and from school etc.

Need Further Information?

Get in touch! We are looking forward to start a new project.